Psychiatrists as Paramedics


Psychiatrists as Paramedics !!

That's about the only solution i could think of given the exponential increase of members in the "PSYCHOPATH" community.

I was just thinking what if Blogger, Word press, Type pad and other blogging platforms had different keys or buttons or whatever one may wanna call it that read something like

"I'm paranoid. Need psychiatric care"
"I am unable to vent out. Need a psychiatrist urgently"
"I have written an ill post, need to have it approved by my Psychiatrist"

Endless possibilities ???

Come to think of it, there exists a GAP and a NEED for this. Isn't it so?

Paramedic help is needed for some of us. Let's face it. Going by some posts and comments i can comfortably come to the conclusion that Psychiatrists as Paramedics is the only way forward.

Now suppose, all blogs had this option, what would then happen?

Surely Kottu would be a nice place, a place where there is peace, a place free of weeds and psychopath characters whose only intention online is to ANNOY others for no valid reason except their psychological disorders that make them behave in a particular way that makes others feel sorry for the person concerned and say "Damn..God help this character. He is a human too. Save him in the name of humanity"

I was just looking for solutions to control ill comments and this was all i could come up with. Yeah.. "Consult Psychiatrist" key just before "Publish Post" and "Publish Comment" keys.

What say you?